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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/08/10
Conservation Commission
March 8, 2010
Approved May 11, 2010

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-Chair; Bill Annable; Chuck Crickman; Suzanne Levine

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m.


The Commission reviewed the minutes of February 9, 2010 and made corrections. Mr. Unger made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Crickman seconded the motion. All in favor.

Informational Discussion Regarding Citizen Concern

The Commission discussed receipt of information from a concerned citizen regarding potential erosion and sediment deposits into Lake Todd resulting from a recent timber harvest on property located at Old Warner Road, Bradford, NH 03221. The information centered on the presence of significant skid trails created during the timber harvest and the potential of those trails to act as conduits for soil erosion and sediment deposits from the property into Lake Todd in the event of a heavy rain storm.

The Commission discussed the possible environmental concerns surrounding such a “stormwater event”. There was a great deal of discussion about stormwater runoff: its tendency to carry soil deposits directly into lakes and streams; the depositing of phosphorus and nitrogen from the soil directly into the water; the significant damage caused by such deposits not only to the water quality, but also to its aquatic inhabitants; and the conclusion that, over time, such “direct deposits” literally kill a lake or stream and everything in it.

The Commission decided to write to the property owner to encourage a review of his/her current erosion control methods and stormwater management strategies on whatever sections of property are located above Lake Todd for the purpose of avoiding a potential “stormwater event” into lake.  

Also, the Commission recommended the following two informational sources be included in the letter:
  • Best Management Practices for Erosion Control on Timber Harvesting Operations in New Hampshire, published by the State of New Hampshire. This contains useful strategies for erosion control. The publication is available through two sources: the New Hampshire Division of Forest and Lands, P.O. Box 1856, Concord, NH 03301, telephone (603) 271-2214; or and type in “erosion control” in the search box.
  • Town of Newbury, NH Zoning Ordinance, Article XXI Stormwater Management. This contains detailed guidance on applicability, landowner’s responsibilities, erosion and sediment control guidelines, and implementation guidelines for permanent controls. You can access the information on the Town’s website at under Zoning Board.
It was noted that the Lake Todd Village District, P.O. Box 169, Bradford, NH monitors the water quality of Lake Todd on a monthly basis and plans to send to the Commission the monthly reports specifically pertaining to the water quality at the aforementioned property.


The following application to the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) Wetlands Bureau was reviewed and approved by Commission member Deane Geddes on February 26, 2010, and by Linda Plunkett, Town Clerk on March 2, 2010:

  • February 23, 2010 from James P. and Barbara L. Sadowsky, 298 Bowles Road, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 16 / 487-279, a Minimum Impact Expedited Application to replace the dock system as defined in wt. 101.65 with no change in size, dimensions, location, configuration or type of construction, due to dock system rotting and falling apart. The project will affect 580 square feet and 12 linear feet of shoreline on Lake Sunapee.
Ms. Holmes asked the Commission if all future DES Minimum Impact Expedited Applications should be reviewed by the entire Commission or by one designated member. The Commission decided that Mr. Geddes should continue to be the designated representative for the Commission in this area. Ms. Holmes said she will encourage Mr. Geddes to share photographs of the sites and projects under review and report his findings to the Commission in a structured way so the information will be on the record. Ms. Levine said she agreed with that approach. Ms. Holmes added that the State DES will not accept a Minimum Impact Expedited Application unless the Conservation Commission has reviewed it and approved it.


There was one Application for Approval to Cut in the Buffer Zone:

  • February 8, 2010 from Jeffrey Estella, 6 Stanley Road, Newbury, NH, Tax Map/Lot # 20, 130, 386, for removal of three “disease ridden trees that are causing a severe safety issue (falling limbs)” to the property’s owner’s young children. Mr. Estella adds, “Please note that I will replace these three trees with equivalent trees.”

Ms. Holmes reviewed the following communications from the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) with the Commission:

  • January 19, 2010 to Torene Tango-Lowy, State of NH Dept. of Resources & Economic Development, P.O. Box 1856, Concord, NH 03302, a Notice of Administrative Completeness Standard Dredge and Fill Application, Wetlands File Number 2010-00027, State of NH Department of Resources and Economic Development, Routes 103 & 103B, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot # 13 / 386-92.
  • February 26, 2010 to Newbury Conservation Commission, P.O. Box 296, Newbury, NH, Re: file # 2010-00027 – State of NH Dept. of Resources and Economic Development, Tax Map/Lot # 3 / 386-92, a letter verifying receipt of the report from the Conservation Commission following the local investigation on the above application.

Ms. Holmes noted that the Town website has been updated to include the Conservation Commission Final Minutes for 2009, and moving forward. Mr. Crickman asked if the Commission section of the website included regulations and application forms. Ms. Holmes said that is the next project in this area.

Mr. Crickman suggested that the Commission seek endorsement or support from the Board of Selectmen when writing and issuing letters of concern. Ms. Holmes agreed.


Ms. Holmes reminded the commission of the upcoming meeting on March 11, 2010 at the Newbury Town offices for the Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment for the John Hay National Wildlife Refuge prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.   

Ms. Holmes told the Commission that she met with the Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA) about their mutual concerns surrounding the New England Handicap Sports Association (NEHSA) proposed project at Mt. Sunapee, specifically the Standard Dredge and Fill Application. She said LSPA wants to hire Charlie Hirschberg, engineer, to review the application and asked Ms. Holmes if the Conservation Commission would split the cost of hiring Mr. Hirschberg. Ms. Holmes canvassed the Commission regarding offering financial support. It was decided to confer with Dennis Pavlicek, Town Administrator, regarding the appropriateness of using Commission funds in this way. Ms. Holmes said she will report on his decision at the next meeting.

Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT)
Ms. Holmes shared with the commission a letter from ASLPT appealing for assistance in gaining new members for ASLPT. There was discussion regarding the ability of the Commission to devote sufficient time and effort to a membership drive for ASLPT. The Commission decided that its resources were fully engaged at this time on projects of specific impact to the environment in Newbury. Ms. Holmes said she will reply to the ASLPT letter indicating that the Commission is unable to help at this time.

Updated Applications and Support Documents
Mr. Crickman shared with the Commission his draft of an updated Application for Approval to Cut in the Waterfront Buffer Zone, including the current regulations. The Commission decided to review the draft and bring their suggestions to the next meeting  

Mr. Unger presented documents used in the past as handouts to accompany applications for timber harvesting. He suggested that the Commission update the documents and resume the practice of handing them out with Intent to Cut applications.

Ms. Holmes agreed and added hat the Commission should consider holding workshops on timber harvesting and cutting in the buffer zone and incorporate the current Best Management Practices (BMP) endorsed by the state. The Commission decided to discuss the idea further at the next meeting.

Mr. Unger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Crickman seconded the motion. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary